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Trimming the Bush..

CliCK ABOVE FOR FULL DETAiLS~~~ Posted by Tha O-Bomb! on Friday, July 3, 2009 , under , , , | comments (0)

This Video has a twist at the end....

USB Ninja Stars

CliCK ABOVE FOR FULL DETAiLS~~~ Posted by Tha O-Bomb! on Wednesday, July 1, 2009 , under , , | comments (0)

these are just like the thumbtack stars previously posted here : be a ninja at the office

...Well, now you can add to your office arsenal with these sweet USB Flash Drives!
The USB Ninja Star retails for about $100 in Japan and holds 2GB of memory. It’s compatible to Windows XP/Vista and Mac OS X
can be bought here : Geek Stuff 4 U ...I might be waiting till the price goes down say.. about $90!?
Lol @ the stain on the dudes jeans.............O.K...Now Go get ur 1337-On.....

To All Mah Ninjahz'

CliCK ABOVE FOR FULL DETAiLS~~~ Posted by Tha O-Bomb! on , under | comments (0)

Yo! we have a forum up now so all you freaks can lurk around there and troll some-shit or whatever it is that u do when ur bored. It's good to be back online, now i can has peruvian midget porn again! big thanks goes to cognitive ninja for maintaining the site during these hard times of no online porn.

Click here or tag at top of page for: Internet Ninja Forum

BACK! and Animated Coming Atractions

CliCK ABOVE FOR FULL DETAiLS~~~ Posted by Cognitive Ninja on Tuesday, June 30, 2009 , under | comments (0)

okay, first things first, both internet ninja and myself both had our net taken away by the man...damn economic situation. I'm back now, and internet ninja won't be far behind...

okay, been watching a lot of animation lately. All sorts, but mostly i have been watching movies made by marvel, dc and dark horse or based on their characters. Comic book based animation, and some Avatar Last Air Bender, I will leave that until last tho.
I am excited by the crop of animated shows to come from these guys. So I am going to bring your attention to some of the upcoming ones.

Dark horse are releasing a Conan animated movie, based on the 'Red Nails' story by Robert E Howard. LINK

the Green Lantern is getting his own feature animated film, im not a huge fan of the character but I like what DC have done with their animated ventures latly, even Wonder Woman was good(watched it last night).

Long time animated DC hero Batman, and the iconic Superman are teaming up for an animated feature in SUPERMAN/BATMAN : PUBLIC ENEMIES, here is a sweet looking trailer LINK. Personally i can't wait for this one.

Also, hearing things about a Thor episodic animated project. Not a whole lot of news on that one yet though.

AND if you want to help, app the fans need to let marvel know what they want, the best way to do that? write them a letter pen, on paper, like our forefathers before us, let them know you want a Deadpool animated movie, from Deadpool Bugle

Marvel Studios
9242 Beverly Boulevard
Suite 350
Beverly Hills, CA 90210

Random 1 + Megan Fox in Transformers 2 trailer hotness

CliCK ABOVE FOR FULL DETAiLS~~~ Posted by Cognitive Ninja on Tuesday, June 16, 2009 , under , , , , | comments (0)

Click on thumbnail for HI-RES MEGAN FOX in Transformers 2 Revenge of the Fallen Trailer HIGH RES SCREEN CAP

First off, seen the new Transformers 2 trailer? well, it makes it look pretty good I have to say, and im not Transformers fan really. Anyway, the movie has Megan Fox in it, the trailer has her in it too. She is in it trying to look like she knows how to fix a bike, she is suceeding in looking really hot, and some running from alien/robot things in there I think. Did i mention the bike and the hot? here is a screen cap, in all its glory.

okay take a breath...okay ill take one, im guessing you have more fortitude than me

on with the random,

14 of the funniest movie inspired tattoo's

Don't Poke Your Eye Out, 20 photo's of hard nipples behind clothing

Glenn Beck loves Rape...and i hate Gleen Beck most of the time, he did want to do that FEMA prison camps/train story, that made me think twice...alittle

The 7 Robots Most Likely to Rise Up Against Humanity Miachal S.W.A.I.M, of cracked tv, hosts another numbered list of things that are funny, and as always its funny

okay thats all for now, i burst something

Deadpool Movie Fast-tracked

CliCK ABOVE FOR FULL DETAiLS~~~ Posted by Cognitive Ninja on Monday, June 15, 2009 , under | comments (0)

After the Deadpool character was butchered in the Wolverine Origins Movie, everyone is quite skeptical about a solo Deadpool movie. Ryan Reynolds in my opinion was made for the role, and pulled off what he was allowed to in Wolverine.

He has been making statements about the movie alot since Wolverine was released. MTV News has the latest interview. He is basicaly selling the movie before anything has been made, but I think thats a good thing, the more people who have an idea of what the movie MUST/SHOULD be will make the execs pause before they cut any meat from the Deadpool characters persona or story.

With the damage done to the character in Wolverine? I dont think it will be an issue, this is a comic book movie, clones, all that. Aspects of Wade Wilsons origin story arent essential, I think they have left alot of room for the character.

I personally cannot wait for this, words like faithful, and authentic are passed around alot with adaptations but still im hopeful.

Check out this You tube vid, Ryan Reynolds Talks Deadpool, hope he gets his way.

I Twit you from my Xbox

CliCK ABOVE FOR FULL DETAiLS~~~ Posted by Tha O-Bomb! on Friday, June 5, 2009 , under , , , | comments (0)

Microsoft has said social networking sensations Twitter and Facebook, along with Internet radio star, are connecting to the Xbox 360 videogame console online world.

The announcements Monday came on the eve of a major Electronic Entertainment Expo trade gathering in Los Angeles and as Microsoft jockeys to put Xbox 360 consoles at the heart of home entertainment.

Console owners that subscribe to Xbox Live become part of an Internet videogame community with benefits such as being able to connect to Netflix online film rental service.

By year's end, Xbox Live members will be able to access their Twitter or Facebook accounts through consoles, posting content and connecting with friends the same way they might by using computers or smart phones.

"This is a Facebook experience customized for your living room," actress Felicia Day said as she demonstrated the new Xbox Live feature at a Microsoft press conference.

The link is essentially a Facebook application for Xbox 360 users, and the California social networking firm is set of making similar links to online communities for Sony PlayStation 3 and Nintendo Wii console users.

Microsoft bought a 1.6-percent stake in Facebook for 240 million dollars in 2007.

"We expect to be working with all the consoles and platforms," said Facebook director of platform marketing Ethan Beard.

"It really is about making games more social. Gaming is incredibly popular on Facebook itself."

Microsoft also announced that it has enhanced its Xbox Live video offerings in the United States and arranged to let Xbox 360 owners in Britain and Ireland watch Sky TV through the videogame consoles.

An Xbox executive referred to streaming live television through a gaming console with no additional hardware as "a watershed moment for the gaming industry."

Microsoft said music from online radio station will be streamed to consoles free of charge.

Positioning Xbox 360 consoles as al-purpose home entertainment devices for movies, music, socializing and games is a smart move by Microsoft, Wedbush Morgan analyst Michael Pachter said after attending the press conference.

"Being able to do Facebook on your television alone is reason enough to buy an Xbox," Pachter said. "Microsoft doesn't need everyone to be a gamer if they can get everyone in the household using the 360 for something."

Still, the Microsoft press conference was crammed with exciting videogame offerings that promise to please Xbox 360 gamers.

"Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2" is a sequel that videogame analysts expect to be a "monster" when it hits stores in November. Blockbuster "Metal Gear Solid" and "Final Fantasy" franchises have Xbox 360 games on the way.

Hot action videogames being made exclusively for play on Xbox 360 consoles include "Halo 3 OTSD," Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Conviction," "Shadow Complex," and "Crackdown 2."

"Over the past year our industry has done well in this uncertain economic climate," said Xbox corporate vice president John Schappert.

"Perhaps it is because now, more than ever, people want to have fun and they want to connect with each other from the comfort of their living rooms."

Source: Google News

A new Mascot?

CliCK ABOVE FOR FULL DETAiLS~~~ Posted by Tha O-Bomb! on Thursday, June 4, 2009 , under , | comments (0)

Lol This ninja may become our new site mascot.. He is currently fighting for position against the white ninja feline posted earlier, While the white ninja is a skilled master of stealth, this little guy brings his own weapons to the deal...

lol @ this guy..

CliCK ABOVE FOR FULL DETAiLS~~~ Posted by Tha O-Bomb! on , under , , , | comments (1)

That's the face of a killer..Obi-Wan Shinobi!


CliCK ABOVE FOR FULL DETAiLS~~~ Posted by Tha O-Bomb! on , under , , | comments (1)

Ninja are masters of misdirection and stealth....

also.... Ninja Outfits can be sexy!
