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Deadpool Movie Fast-tracked

Monday, June 15, 2009 , CliCK ABOVE FOR FULL DETAiLS~~~ Cognitive Ninja at 10:25 PM

After the Deadpool character was butchered in the Wolverine Origins Movie, everyone is quite skeptical about a solo Deadpool movie. Ryan Reynolds in my opinion was made for the role, and pulled off what he was allowed to in Wolverine.

He has been making statements about the movie alot since Wolverine was released. MTV News has the latest interview. He is basicaly selling the movie before anything has been made, but I think thats a good thing, the more people who have an idea of what the movie MUST/SHOULD be will make the execs pause before they cut any meat from the Deadpool characters persona or story.

With the damage done to the character in Wolverine? I dont think it will be an issue, this is a comic book movie, clones, all that. Aspects of Wade Wilsons origin story arent essential, I think they have left alot of room for the character.

I personally cannot wait for this, words like faithful, and authentic are passed around alot with adaptations but still im hopeful.

Check out this You tube vid, Ryan Reynolds Talks Deadpool, hope he gets his way.

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