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New Google Wave

Sunday, May 31, 2009 , CliCK ABOVE FOR FULL DETAiLS~~~ Tha O-Bomb! at 1:40 AM

Email is almost 40 years old. Not just that, it in fact came into existence even before Internet.

Google recognises that email is quite similar to older forms of communication. It basically is the electronic form of the postal service but it is much faster and cheaper than the latter.

So Google is now paying a lot of efforts on Google wave which is a rethink of the whole email idea.

The most important thing about Google wave is that it runs in a browser but you do not need to download any additional software so it is much like gmail.

Just like gmail ties your email strings together neatly into conversations, Wave also functions in the same way. You can use it just like your email to drag and drop photos and other items into the message right from your computer. Wave is rather more of a cross over between an email and a messenger.

Source: Fresh news

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